Using AES Crypt on Linux
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Usage
To encrypt a file, right-click on the file you wish to encrypt, select "Open With...", and select AES Crypt. You will be prompted to enter the desired password. AES Crypt will produce a file that cannot be read by anybody who does not know the secret password.

On KDE, AES Crypt can be found in the Utilities section in the "Open With" dialog window.

AES Crypt will produce an encrypted file with the same name as the original file, but with an ".aes" extension.
Note that encryption happens in the background and you will see a dialog window telling you when AES Crypt finishes. If there are any errors, you will also see a window telling you there was an error and what the error was.
When you encrypt a file with AES Crypt, it does not delete the original file. Generally, people encrypt files for the purpose of sending a file securely via e-mail or copying it to a portable storage device that is more susceptible to loss. As such, most people do not want to delete the original. However, you may certainly delete the original file: just do not forget the password. It is impossible to recover the contents of an encrypted file if the password is lost.
Decrypting an encrypted file produced through the process described above is even easier. To decrypt the file, you simply double-click on the .aes file and enter your secret password when prompted.
Command-Line Usage
AES Crypt for the command-line works the same way on all platforms. See the command line instructions for usage.
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