Using pyAesCrypt

pyAesCrypt is written in Python 3 and can be installed using "pip". (Just make sure you install it in the Python 3 directories, which might require use of pip3 or similar on your machine if you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed.)

The pyAesCrypt command has the following syntax:

CLI Usage Syntax

pyAesCrypt [-h] [-o OUT] (-e | -d) filename

You can encrypt a file using commands like these:

CLI Example

pyAesCrypt -e test.txt
pyAesCrypt -e -o test.txt.aes test.txt

You can decrypt a file using commands like these:

CLI Example

pyAesCrypt -d test.txt.aes
pyAesCrypt -d -o test.txt test.txt.aes

If the -o option is omitted, then pyAesCrypt will create default files that included the .aes extension or remove the extension depending on whether it is encrypting or decrypting files. This is consistent with the command-line utility written in C.